Gridlastic Documentation

We suggest starting with our “Quick Start Guide”, specifically one of the following pages:

Gridlastic Overview – see what Gridlastic can do for you
Selenium Grid Demo – test run a Gridlastic Selenium Grid


Send an email directly to “”. We strive to answer all email requests as soon as we can, please note that support requests are prioritized based on your current Gridlastic Plan.

Phone Support

Phone support is available for all plans except free plans. Call us during our business hours 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM US pacific time to get Gridlastic support over the phone. Support phone number available in your dashboard.

Developer Support

If you are on the free plan, please note that email support tickets are prioritized based on your current Gridlastic Plan. We make this distinction to ensure that our paying customers get the appropriate time and attention they deserve to run their business.