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- Performance Testing
WebdriverIO Selenium Grid Examples
The selenium grid WebdriverIO examples below can quickly be run on a free Gridlastic selenium grid.
The Gridlastic grid hostname, credentials and video url used in these code examples are presented after launching your Gridlastic selenium grid.
Get a free account and launch your Gridlastic selenium grid, then run this code locally and test your grid!
// STARTING WITH WEBDRIVERIO V9, GRID CREDENTIALS CANNOT BE PASSED IN VIA HOST URL import { Buffer } from 'buffer'; const GRIDLASTIC_GRID_HOSTNAME = ''; \\ LIKE: subdomain-hub.gridlastic.com const GRIDLASTIC_GRID_USERNAME = ''; const GRIDLASTIC_GRID_PASSWORD = ''; const GRIDLASTIC_GRID_HUB_PROXY = ''; // like: your_subdomain-hub.gridlastic.com:8001 global.GRIDLASTIC_GRID_VIDEO_URL = ''; // like: https://s3-us-west-1.amazonaws.com/023a15f2-534d-31e5-f8cc-7ceaf6355377/238a51b7-c526-ceb8-8ffd-1759b612a464/play.html? const gridlastic_grid_credentials = `${GRIDLASTIC_GRID_USERNAME}:${GRIDLASTIC_GRID_PASSWORD}`; const gridlastic_grid_encodedCredentials = Buffer.from(gridlastic_grid_credentials).toString('base64'); export const config: WebdriverIO.Config = { // ... logLevel: 'error', maxInstances: 10, headers: { Authorization: `Basic ${gridlastic_grid_encodedCredentials}` }, protocol: 'https', hostname: GRIDLASTIC_GRID_HOSTNAME, port: 443, path: '/wd/hub', // ... capabilities: [{ browserName: 'chrome', // can be chrome, MicrosoftEdge, firefox browserVersion: 'latest', platformName: 'WIN11', // can be WIN11, WIN10 or LINUX 'gridlastic:options': { video: true // default is false }, webSocketUrl: true, /* proxy: { proxyType: "manual", httpProxy: GRIDLASTIC_GRID_HUB_PROXY, ftpProxy: GRIDLASTIC_GRID_HUB_PROXY, sslProxy: GRIDLASTIC_GRID_HUB_PROXY, noProxy: "none" } */ }], specs: [ './test/specs/**/*.js' ], connectionRetryTimeout: 600000, // 10 minutes max to wait for grid nodes to spin up which can take several minutes. waitforTimeout: 30000, mochaOpts: { ui: 'bdd', timeout: 60000 }, }
describe('WebdriverIO Example', () => { after(async () => { console.log('Video: ' + GRIDLASTIC_GRID_VIDEO_URL + driver.sessionId); }) it('Check title', async () => { await browser.url('https://www.gridlastic.com/?demo') await browser.maximizeWindow() await expect(browser).toHaveTitle('Selenium grid') await browser.pause(10000); // pause for demo purposes }) /* it('Check that IP is the same as the selenium grid hub IP', async () => { await browser.url('https://www.whatismybrowser.com/') await browser.maximizeWindow() await browser.pause(5000); // pause for demo purposes await browser.scroll(0, 1600) await browser.pause(5000); // pause for demo purposes }) */ })
describe('BiDi geolocation example', () => { after(async () => { console.log('Video: ' + GRIDLASTIC_GRID_VIDEO_URL + driver.sessionId); }) it('should find my emulated geo location', async () => { await browser.emulate('geolocation', { // Paris @48.8587895,2.2975715,16z latitude: 48.8587895, longitude: 2.2975715, accuracy: 300 }) await browser.url('https://www.google.com/maps') const btnMyLocation = await browser.$('#mylocation') await btnMyLocation.waitForClickable() await btnMyLocation.click() console.log(await browser.getUrl()) await expect(browser).toHaveUrl( expect.stringContaining('@48.8587895,2.2975715,16z?') ) await browser.maximizeWindow() await browser.pause(10000); // pause for demo purposes }) })
{ "name": "selenium-grid-tests", "version": "1.0.0", "dependencies": { "assert": "2.1.0", "selenium-webdriver": "4.28.1" }, "devDependencies": { "@wdio/cli": "^9.7.2", "@wdio/local-runner": "^9.7.2", "@wdio/mocha-framework": "^9.7.2", "@wdio/spec-reporter": "^9.6.3", "mocha": "11.0.1" }, "scripts": { "wdio": "wdio run ./wdio.conf.ts" } }
NOTE: Gridlastic auto scaling requires all 3 test environment parameters platform, browser and browser version to be specified in each request in order to launch test nodes to fulfill test demand. Video recording is optional. See test environments for capabilities options.
It is important to ensure that ".end()" is always called for proper test execution and creation of video recordings of failed tests.
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